Contact & About

This portal is a not for profit aggregator of charities that all aim to help neglected animals in Spain. We have started to vet the charities listed but have not vetted them all so recommend that you do your own research into the association that you are thinking of supporting financially or adopting a pet from.


  • Re. the animals on the site or donations: please see the individual charities on our SUPPORT page.
  • For charities wanting to upload animals, go HERE.
  • Our Facebook page with weekly updates are available to everyone:
  • AdoptaNews, our quarterly newsletter for animal rescue centres, can be subscribed to below.

For suggestions on how to improve the website, please contact Caroline & Mats Rennstam on info (at) We are based in London but spend a lot of time in the Marina Alta region of Spain. We’ve been involved in supporting animal charities for everything from elephants to dolphins.

Box Image Contact & About


AdoptaNews is our quarterly newsletter sent to recognised animal charities sharing news, events and knowledge.
See a previous issue HERE.


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